© ESPON, 2006
After talking about ESPON but not really explaining what it is, it is now time to give you a better idea of what ESPON really is.
ESPON stands for European Spatial Observation Network. It was a EU programme consisting of 36 applied research projects covering a wide range of spatial issues all different in nature regarding their goals and methods employed. The projects were executed by Transnational Project Groups. The first ESPON programme ran from 2000 till 2006 while ESPON II will run from 2007 till 2013 and will have an increased budget. ESPON I had a budget of 12 million Euro while ESPON II will have an approx. 36 million Euro Budget. This is still peanuts compared to for instance INTERREG, another EU programme where they speak about billions of Euros. The network focusses on the observation and analysis of regional development trends in Europe.
© ESPON, 2006
Within ESPON they defined 5 fields of research:
- 'Thematic projects (projects under Priority 1) on the territorial effects of major spatial developments on the background of typologies of regions, and the situation of cities on the base of broad empirical data
- Policy impact projects (projects under Priority 2) on the spatial impact of Community sector policies, Member States’ spatial development policy on types of regions with a focus on the institutional inter-linkages between the governmental levels and instrumental dimension of policies on the base of broad empirical data
- Co-ordinating cross-thematic projects (projects under Priority 3) as a key component. Evaluation of the results of the other studies towards integrated results such as indicator systems and data, typologies of territories, spatial development scenarios and conclusions for the territorial development.
- Scientific briefing and networking (projects under Priority 4) in order to explore the synergies between the national and EU sources for research and research capacities.
- Studies and scientific support projects serve mainly the purpose of deepening results already achieved by current ESPON projects.
More particularly, the ESPON Studies will further deepen and explore the results already achieved in a targeted way, in response to demands from the policy community. The ESPON Scientific Support Projects will address issues of a more technical and/or scientific nature, to be presented in a “state-of-the-art” documents. They will as well to some extent serve as a preparatory work for a possible continuation of ESPON activities after 2006'. (http://www.espon.eu, 2006)
I myself worked mainly on the 'ESPON project 2.3.2 Governance' where the relatively new terms Governance and Territorial Cohesion were better defined, related to each other and much more:
'Project 2.3.2 holds an important position in the definition and elaboration of a common ground for investigating the institutional and instrumental aspects of implementation of territorial and urban policies in Europe. The project focuses on the question how effective different systems are, e.g. considering a policy mix of spatial planning (in different forms implemented by Member States), local government powers and taxation policy in meeting common spatial development strategies and objectives such as a polycentric urban system, balancing urban-rural needs, reviving derelict urban areas, urban regeneration, sustainable management of the natural and cultural assets. In that perspective, an analysis based on a comparative review of the instruments used, and stakeholders involved in various policy areas, is being undertaken to draw some valuable conclusions of practical relevance on governance'. (http://www.espon.eu, 2006).
I also have been involved in 2.3.1 and other projects (Iberian) in which my Professor was involved, which made the diversity of the tasks at hand very wide.
See you next time
Master J
(Please do not use any of the above texts without contacting either me or the ESPON coordination unit. All texts are subject to copyrights. All other queries on intellectual property rights, such as copyrights and sui generis rights should be addressed to info@espon.eu.)
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